
Shockwave flip words 2 does it use adobe flash player
Shockwave flip words 2 does it use adobe flash player

shockwave flip words 2 does it use adobe flash player

If you have favourites feel free to share them in this thread. There was some really great stuff in-and-outside of Newgrounds that a lot of people may have missed and I just wanna share some of my highlights. Today, I just wanna talk about some of the games that came before that facebook period. I'd also argue Flash gaming, only really took off with Facebook, because there was finally an financial infrastructure there to support it, before devs quickly abandoned it in favor of mobile and smart phone gaming - but that's beside the point. But I feel like people who say that, never really knew how great Flash was or knew where to look for the good stuff. Most of these games were bad, people tend to associate Newgrounds with bad flash games. I kind of grew up with Flash and Shockwave being this new multimedia experience for low end computers - if you were poor and say, didn't own a console like a PS2, Dreamcast or a high end PC with a graphics card, playing Flash/Shockwave games was kind of the next best thing. But these internet plugins, were generally discontinued to close vulnerable security flaws in modern web browsers. There are alternatives like Newgrounds flash player, that will allow flash to continue work within Newgrounds beyond 2020. Similar to Shockwave, Flash will cease to work in modern browsers after 2020. EDIT3: - Really great summary describing why flash was so important with descriptions from notable games and sites (Thanks Darken!) Flash is dying in 2020.

Shockwave flip words 2 does it use adobe flash player